Online Classes

Coming Soon!

Training to Conceive:
Preparing Your Body, Mind, and Spirit for Fertility, Pregnancy, and Parenthood

Week 1: East/West Fertility

This course will be an introduction to Chinese medicine and your menstrual cycle.

Some of the topics we will cover:

  • How our hormones work

  • Tracking your menstrual cycle

  • Timing when trying to conceive

  • The luteal phase

Week 2: Stress & Fertility

In our second module, we will focus on stress and its impact on fertility. We will learn tools for mediating stress, encouraging stress recovery, and eliciting the relaxation response.

Some of the topics we will cover:

  • Your brain on stress

  • The stress circuit

  • How chronic stress impacts the body

  • How stress hurts fertility

  • Stress-induced disorders

Week 3: Nutrition & Lifestyle

This week’s module will explore the many ways to feed your fertility. We will delve into healing and balancing the body through nutrition as well as learning which harmful toxins are hiding in some of our everyday products.

Some of the topics we will cover:

  • Guidelines for feeding your fertility — for meat-eaters and vegetarians

  • Endocrine disruptors

  • Chinese medicine nutrition and the organ systems

  • Strategies to soothe the nervous system

Week 4: Herbs, Supplements & Food as Medicine

This module will focus on how herbs, supplements, and food can nourish our health and help fertility.

Some of the topics we will cover:

  • Supplements vs. food

  • Probiotics health benefits

  • Oxidative stress

  • How to make an herbal infusion for fertility

  • Abdominal massage

Week 5: Supporting Fertility Changes With a Holistic Mindset

This week we dive deeper into East/West Fertility.

Some of the topics we will cover:

  • Yin-Yang Theory

  • Menstrual Cycle

  • Blood disharmonies & infertility

  • Endometriosis/adenomyosis

Week 6: When to Seek Help and What to Do When a Medical Approach Becomes Necessary

In our final module, we discuss some of the challenges that may arise throughout the journey and answer the question, when is it time to seek help?

Some of the topics we will cover:

  • Holistic healthcare providers

  • When to seek help after miscarriage

  • Labs for fertility

  • IVF (and how Chinese medicine helps)